Recipes on Prepear
Most of the recipes you find on Prepear are added by professional food bloggers, or are recipes that you have added from the web. Food bloggers put a large investment of time, money, and talent to make these recipes and are primarily compensated from the ads you see when you visit their websites and cook their recipes.
Prepear’s mission is to create a better user experience for home cooks while still giving benefits and compensation to the food bloggers for the work they put in to create delicious recipes.
Cook Mode
Prepear Free Users Can:
1 - View the directions to a recipe from the website it lives on by clicking the link in the directions section. (as shown in the image below)
2 - Use cook mode on 3 food blogger or web based recipes per week to view the full recipe inside Prepear. You also have unlimited access to your own original recipes, including the directions and cook mode.
3 - Upgrade to Prepear Gold which allows you to have unlimited access to cook mode and full recipes on Prepear + a ton of other cool features. The cost of Prepear Gold is $9.99 / month (Billed Annually). The majority of your subscription cost is paid out to the food bloggers you love, so you can feel good knowing you’re supporting your favorite content creators on Prepear.
These changes allow food bloggers to be compensated for use of their recipes while still giving Prepear users a great experience with organizing, storing and using online recipes!
Do you have feedback?
We are continually trying to improve Prepear to make it the best recipe organization, meal planning, and cooking app out there! We love feedback from our users and read every single comment. Please email and let us know how we are doing and what we can do to make your home cooking experience even better.
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